Friday, September 5th

  • 6:30pm – 8:30pm Race number pick up at the Valemount Visitor Information Center

*Please note that race number pickup is at the Valemount Visitor Information Center on Friday, and at the Mount Robson Visitor Information Center on Saturday, which are in different locations*

*All times are BC Pacific Standard Time (not Alberta Mountain Time)

Saturday, September 6th 

In addition to the races there will be other activities in and around the Visitor Center all day. The schedule of running events for the day is:

  • 7:00am – 11:00am Race number pick up at the Mount Robson Visitor Center
  • 8:00am start of the 50km Ultra Marathon
  • 10:00am start of the Half Marathon,
  • 10:30am start of the Kinney Lake 12km
  • 11:00am start of the Flatlander 5km
  • 12:00 noon start of the Kids’ Fun Run
  • 1:00 pm Awards and Flower Ceremony plus many great draw prizes

T-Shirts and Mount Robson Marathon merchandise will be for sale at registration on Friday night and throughout the event on Saturday. Please bring cash for your purchases.

Thank you to all of the sponsors and the many volunteers who make all these events possible.

To see what you missed in previous years or to re-live some fond memories, please have a look at our photo gallery at

 For more information about the Mount Robson Marathon, please send an email to

BC PArks
